Buyer actively seeking Environmental Remediation Companies

Buyer Number 50986
Type of business preferred: 28 Chemical & Allied Products Manufacturing
30 Rubber & Miscellaneous Plastics Manufacturing
73 Business Services
The Buyer is available for Co-Brokerage
Down Payment available: $ 10,000,000

Preferred Location: National / TXEnvironmental reuse Green Recycling recycle recovery free

Buyer actively seeking to invest in environmental remediation companies. Prefer opportunities that meet the below criteria and based in Texas.

– Self-sustaining environmental remediation companies with revenues in excess of $5 million and a demonstrated history of successful performance for government and / or private sector clients.

– Headquartered in the United States.

– Senior level technical professionals and project management staff.

– Experience in one of more of the following project areas:

— Hazardous, toxic or radiological wastes (HTRW), including environmental engineering and design.

— Department of Defense projects regulated by EPA environmental laws (CERCLA, RCRA).

— Department of Defense projects involved with the Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP).

— Performance of preliminary assessments/ site inspections (PA/SI), remedial investigation/ feasibility studies (RI/FS), remedial design (RD) and remedial action (RA).

— Operations & maintenance (O&M) and long term monitoring (LTM).


Contact Jeff Adam, PE, MCBC, FRC, CBB at Adam Noble Group, LLC (817) 467-2161